The Jury’s out

I took this photo during the 10 maybe 15 minutes he was content at his friends party today.

I really want Franklin to be involved because he really does have the loveliest group of friends. It is heartwarming every time he receives a party invite, therefore I always try and go to the party.

Sometimes I wonder though if I’m doing the right thing by putting him through it. He struggles with it all; being in an unfamiliar place, not understanding why he’s there, the noise, the stimulation, etc. Today was no different, 15 minutes or so is the max he seems to be able to handle.

Should I continue with it in the hope it gets easier for him? or am I putting him through unnecessary stress? The jury’s out.

A huge special thanks to his wonderful teacher Debbie Aldred who turned up at the party to give Franklin and I some moral support, he really does have the best people around him ❤️
